Bradford Cyrenians is committed to:

  • Undertaking and promoting ethical practices to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking (Modern Slavery.)
  • Ensuring that any assets are not involved or exploited for the benefit of those involved in such activity.

Bradford Cyrenians has written this Statement setting out what we do to recognise and prevent potential incidents of modern slavery.

About Bradford Cyrenians

Bradford Cyrenians is a registered charity that provides support and housing to people with a range of support needs including domestic abuse, homelessness, substance use, offending histories, asylum seekers and those with physical and mental health needs. We operate in the Bradford area.

As a provider we are committed to running the business responsibly and ethically.

Policies on slavery and modern  trafficking

Our response to modern slavery is encompassed in our Protection and Safeguarding Policy. All employees complete mandatory safeguarding training which covers modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Safeguarding Champions and the Management Group will identify any concerns in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking and would record and monitor risks and issues identified; these will be escalated as appropriate. Safeguarding is a standard agenda item on all internal meetings within the organization.

Our Recruitment and Selection Policy contains relevant requirements in relation to eligibility to work in the UK and we carry out enhanced DBS checks on all candidates applying for posts.

Whistle Blowing Policy and Code of Conduct.

Bradford Cyrenians encourages employees to report any concerns relating to unethical activities by either suppliers or employees and has a whistle blowing policy in place to support employees to raise concerns at work without worry of victimization. Bradford Cyrenians Code of Conduct is discussed and signed by all employees at the start of their employment and it outlines the professional standards an employee is expected to work to.

All Bradford Cyrenians employees have free access to Counselling in Companies procured to support staff and offer confidential advice, counselling and support.

All Bradford Cyrenians policies are reviewed on a rolling basis, every one two or three years dependent on the policy,  policies are also updated  in response to statutory or regulatory change.  Service User and Staff feedback is encouraged when updating a policy. All policies are signed off by the Chair of the Management Committee.

Supply Chains and Procurement

Where possible, we source goods and services from local and national suppliers but recognise that no supply chain can be considered entirely free from the  potential for slavery or human trafficking.

New suppliers are required to sign Bradford Cyrenians Code of Conduct and provide insurance policies before we procure their services.  Any organisation that we work with are required to sign a joint working agreement setting out the standards required whilst joint working with ourselves or our service users.

Bradford Cyrenians will continue to provide relevant training to staff to ensure that they understand the potential risks of modern slavery in service delivery.

This statement is made under section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes to Bradford Cyrenians  Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Please refer also to the list of policies below: Recruitment and Selection policy 

  • Adult Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Bradford Cyrenians Code of Conduct
  • Bradford Cyrenians Whistle Blowing Policy