We have accommodation for men in a crisis situation who need immediate help.


You will be given a high level of support in order for you to leave your abusive relationship & ensure that you’re safe. Daily key-work support sessions enable you to access other longer term accommodation.


We can help you through our accommodation

The Crash Pads provide temporary emergency refuge accommodation where you will be given a high level of support in order
for you to leave your abusive relationship and ensure that you are safe. During your stay at the Crash Pads you will
share a bedroom with 1 other man. Breakfast and evening meals are provided.

As this is very temporary accommodation you will be required to meet with your support worker on a daily basis in order
to access other longer term accommodation.

We have a Sanctuary House which is a shared flat where you will get your own bedroom but share other facilities such as
bathroom, kitchen and living room. This is temporary accommodation for up to 3 months whilst you will be given a high
level of support to enable you to regain your confidence to re-address your future in a stable and safe environment.
We also have fully furnished flats in the Bradford area that we operate as longer term move on accommodation from the
Crash Pads and Sanctuary House.  With a maximum length of stay of 2 years which could be reviewed based on individual
circumstances and needs. You will receive support around benefits, looking for work, training and education, accessing
health services and working with you to move forward from the abuse you have suffered. Your support worker will visit
you a minimum of once a week to discuss your support needs.

We can help you through our Supported Accommodation

  • Helping you to claim correct benefits
  • Helping you to register with a GP or other health services
  • Helping you to settle into your new home
  • Emotional and practical support
  • Referrals to other support agencies:
  • Police to help you report the abuse
  • Mental Health services
  • Substance Misuse services
  • Community advice services
  • Debt advice services
  • Solicitors
  • LGBT support services
  • Counseling and wellbeing services
  • Education, employment and training
  • Budgeting
  • Holding regular re-housing meetings and putting in applications for permanent housing
  • Helping you become tenancy ready and learning lifeskills
  • We will work with other housing providers to help you find the most suitable permanent accommodation in the area where you want to live.

If you would like supported accommodation please contact us on:
0300 303 0167

MSU can offer short term and longer term accommodation for male survivors of domestic abuse. please contact us on our confidential telephone helpline for further information.

Download Crash Pads & Accommodation Poster

Raising Awareness.

The MSU service is reaching out to survivors helping them deal with their situations, helping men develop the confidence and skills to go out into the community and promote the Men Standing Up Service while raising awareness of the serious and challenging issues that male survivors face.

We have developed a package which provides information and training on healthy relationships for young people. The aim is to raise awareness of domestic abuse amongst young people and advising of the support available to them.

We are always looking to promote the Men Standing Up service to external agencies in order to raise awareness and share good practice, our ethos is to promote joint working in order to get the best possible support for each service user. If you require any information please contact us via the contact form.

Peer Support Group

The Men Standing Up service provide a monthly platform for male survivors to meet with their peers to discuss and share their journeys. The aim of the group is to reduce isolation and help them to reintegrate into the community without feeling scared or intimidated. The group gives the men a voice to share their opinions on topics that they feel are important and we give them a choice to be involved in activities and invite external professionals to the meeting to provide information and training.

Bradford Cyrenians are proud to say that we have been awarded the West Yorkshire Domestic Violence and Abuse Quality Mark

The purpose of the West Yorkshire Domestic Violence and Abuse Quality Mark is to promote consistent and high quality service provision to women, children and men affected by domestic violence and abuse.

It is a means to encourage agencies, employers and community organisations to make tackling domestic violence and abuse their business.

Research with victims consistently shows that the most important factor that enables disclosure is a welcoming environment and non-judgmental response. The standards in the Quality Mark build on these principles to improve safety and ensure good practice is followed.


Download the Peer Support Group Poster


Download the Crash Pads Poster

The Men Standing Up Helpline


MSU Helpline

We offer a confidential, free to use telephone helpline. All our staff are trained professionals who have experience of working with men who have suffered domestic abuse. We can offer you emotional support, information and guidance and signpost to other specialist services.

The confidential helpline is the first point of contact for the victims, survivors or other agencies to refer into our services such as emergency accommodation, longer term accommodation or Peer support group.

The confidential helpline is staffed from 9am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday outside of these hours we have a voicemail system available for you to leave a message and we can contact you when it is suitable and safe to do so.

We also understand that this might be the first time you’ve had the opportunity to discuss your issues with another person.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse or violence, you are not alone!
No matter what your background, age, job, race, or sexuality, we are here to HELP and give all the support we can.

Call the MSU helpline for support

0300 303 0167

Emotional Support

  • Someone to talk to confidentially, who understands your issues.

  • Can offer support to increase your confidence and make a change to your life.

  • Helping you to realise that you are not to blame for your situation

  • Offer you a confidential face to face meeting in our offices

Information and Guidance

  • How you can access housing and help you to make applications

  • How to report incidents to the police

  • Who to approach for legal help

  • Local services and support groups

  • Support to help you to stay safe

  • Signposting to specialist services

If it's just information you need or emotional support,
please call us today on 0300 303 0167


Or leave a message with our support staff